When you earn a Community Service bar award, you are making a
difference in your community—and practicing the values of the
Girl Scout Law. It’s also a great way to get involved with a cause you
care about.
To earn the bar, rst choose an organization you’d like to volunteer
with. The organization will need to agree to give you instructions
about the work you’ll be doing. The Girl Scout Experience
Department at council needs to approve your service before you
begin. Once you’ve chosen your organization, completed at least
20 hours of service to earn the bar.
Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors
Community Service Bar
Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors Community Service Bar form
Girl Scouts of Nassau County
110 Ring Road West
Garden City, NY 11530
T 516.741.2550
F 516.741.2207
Girl Scout Name _____________________________________________________________________________
Program Age Level: (check one)
Cadette Senior Ambassador
I certify that I have earned the Community Service Bar for my Program Age Level. I have re-
ceived training from the organization and have completed a minimum of 20 hours of service to
this organization.
Name of Organization ________________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________
Type of service performed:
Time period of service (MM/YY – MM/YY) _____________________________________________________
Total hours service completed _________________________________________________________________
Signature of Girl Scout ________________________________________________________________________
Organization Representative Signature _________________________________________________________
Please, fill out the form and bring to our Girl Scout Shop in order to purchase the award.