Limbo Guide
Dan Engel
LIMBO tells the timeless tale of a boy trying to find his lost sister, only with more
decapitations, brain-eating slugs, gigantic spiders and hair-trigger traps than you can shake
a severed limb at. With our help we'll make sure that you can survive all of these and more,
and conquer any dream. Yes, even that one where you're writing a final exam in your
underwear and everyone is talking backwards.
Limbo Guide Contents
Game Walkthrough with all Egg locations
Secret Egg locations
Achievement guide and Avatar Awards
© 2010, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without IGN's
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30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
C H A P T E R 0 1
Walk left once you stand up and touch the glowing egg on the ground to
get the
Wrong Way Achievement
Go right and walk up a fallen log, then slide down a hill on the other side and jump over a
pit of spikes. Keep right as you reach a
attached to a rope, then hold your Action
Button and pull the Box left until the rope is tight. Jump and climb on top of the Box, then
climb down another rope dangling to your right (unless you want to drop down to your
Climb down to a platform at the bottom of the rope and jump left to a ledge, then leap right
over a pit of water to avoid drowning. Keep right through a short tunnel and jump onto a
boat to ride it across some water. Jump off of the boat once you reach the other side of the
water, then pull the boat right to the wall.
Climb onto the boat and jump right to the next ledge, then climb up a tree and leap left to a
at the ground for what look like small rows of short spikes.
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
These are actually
and you want to drag them with your Action Button so that you
can jump over each one. Keep right as you see some flies buzzing on a mysterious carcass.
Walk underneath and look for a Trap to your right, then drag it under the flies. Go left to
the ledge and jump above the flies to trigger the Trap below and make your rope a bit
Go right down a hill and jump onto a log, then quickly jump back left over the ledge as it
shifts and a boulder tumbles down towards you. Climb to the top of the log and continue
right to start the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 0 2
Head right a bit more until you reach some more flies near a Box and some water. Grab the
Box and push it left to climb up a vine by the second tree on your left.
Swing from the bottom of the vine in order to jump to a branch on your
right, then jump back left and right to work your way up the branches.
Look for a vine among the leaves up high and jump left to it from the
right branch. Swing left from the vine to get the
Altitude is attitude Achievement
Swing back right and jump to the branch once more, then push the broken piece of the tree
off into the water down below. Climb back down the branches the same way you came up
and go right to see where the tree piece landed. Push the piece right into the water and
climb on top to reach the other side of the water.
Go right as you spot a Trap sitting on a branch above, then keep right to reach the next
C H A P T E R 0 3
your every move. Bait that leg by waiting in one spot until it rises up, then run like hell
before it spears you. Repeat this once more as you hear the clang of the Trap falling, then
go left to find it.
Jump left over the Trap and push it right towards the spider, then bait it into raising the leg
left. If done correctly the leg will cause the Trap to snap closed on top of it.
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Repeat this for 2 more legs (watch out for a revenge stab after the first of these 2 remaining
legs) to get the spider to see things your way, then go right into a tunnel and follow it until
the spider gets his revenge. Wiggle back and forth until you break free of your hammock,
then jump your way right (hold the jump button for longer jumps) and be sure to leap over
the hole in the ground to reach the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 0 4
Carefully slide down the next hill and jump quickly, before you land in another pit. Push
the boulder right until it rolls on its own, then jump back left before you get squashed flat!
Go right across the new path and wait on a large boulder, then move left on top as it starts
to roll. Even though your old friend the spider is trying to chase down his escaped meal,
stay on the boulder until you are really close to the next ledge. Jump right to the ledge and
tumble down the hill to finally lose your sticky cocoon.
Run right to a decoy as you crash into a cavern below, then jump to the next rope and
quickly jump off as the Trap tries to cave your head in. Jump back to the rope and jump to
the next ledge once the Trap has fallen past you to the ground.
Run down the next hill and jump across a few gaps to reach the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 0 5
Take a look at the broken tree with some spikes in it, then jump on the branch propping it
up. Quickly jump left as the branch breaks, then go right after the spikes miss you. Ride the
ledge as it falls right, then jump to a narrow platform.
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Jump straight up as a ball swings down at you from the right and crashes through a few
ledges. Take a breather before sliding down the next hill, then jump over the spikes at the
bottom and keep right to find a suspicious spider. Run under the leg when it rises to see the
puppeteer on the other side.
rolling tire coming your way. Jump back right and quickly jump the smaller debris as you
then go right at the top to see a hanging body as you enter the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 0 6
point a Trap swings right from your left side and should just miss you if you don't walk any
farther. As soon as the first Trap swings past you, then you should rush right a bit, because
a second Trap swings left from your right side.
Climb the dangling rope left behind from the second Trap and jump two gaps up here, as
the next rope is pulled up. Drop off the right side of this ledge so you don't land in the
Traps off the left side. Go right to reach a small log as that damn spider surfaces, then push
the log into the water and climb on top.
Jump to a small ledge in the water and another log beyond, then run right to a log that's
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
balancing like a see-saw. Wait on the right side of this log until the spider puts his foot on
the other end, then jump to the next ledge while you're up in the air.
Push the next log over and jump the gap beyond it, then run right to a boulder that's
spider and hug the right wall. This lets the boulder roll harmlessly over you and right into
the spider.
Jump the gap and cross a larger log, then slide down a hill just beyond it. Go right to reach
only remaining leg, then grab the end of it and rip that leg right off!
bird and some hanging Boxes and the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 0 7
Slide down the hill and climb a ladder, then jump left to the first Box and over to the
hill and against the wall. Jump up the next ledge and walk right to some water.
Jump on the body floating in the water and wait for the next guy to dive in the water, then
jump off his back to get across. Drag the last body with you and push him right into the
next pit to disable a big Trap. Keep right and go down a steep hill, then walk right as you
see a big Trap above you.
crushed in no time ...flat. Just to be extra cruel, the next Trap behaves in the opposite way,
you DON'T want to touch the middle section.
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Jump over it and leap some spikes, then wait on the left side of the body as the darts from
the enemies fall short. Jump back over the spikes as the enemies chase you and jump over
the middle section of the first Trap once more.
Quickly jump over the sides of the next Trap as they crush the 2 remaining enemies, then
go back right to the spikes. Jump the spikes and head right to a ladder and the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 0 8
If you want to get
Secret Egg #1
, then you can do the following. Hang off
the rope above a pair of gears and climb up as it sinks. Now jump left and
climb up the ladder to the top. Run quickly left to see that the small pit of
spikes doesn't have spikes any more. Drop and grab the Secret Egg, then jump back out of
the pit before the spikes return. This Secret Egg doesn't give you an achievement, but will
give you an extra 1% above and beyond the normal 100% in the game.
Go right and climb down the ladder once more to pull a cart out from the left alcove. Push
it right as far as it will go and climb up the ladder once more. Jump right to the rope above
a pair of gears, then keep climbing up the rope as it sinks and causes a gate to rise off-
Once the rope stops sinking you can take a quick break, this means that that the first gate is
raised as high as it will go. Now jump left run left off the ledge and run right at the bottom
to the cart that you pushed earlier. Quickly climb on top and jump to the bottom of the rope
before it gets pulled up through the gears.
Secret Egg
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Now you can take another rest before you swing right and jump to the next rope. Weigh
this rope down until the second gate is high enough and the first gate is not yet low enough
a glowing brain slug falls on your head.
The slug is now controlling your walking, so enjoy the ride as it forces you to walk left and
then right down a hill. Jump the gap at the bottom and jump over the Box until you start
walking left once more.
Push the Box left this time and climb on top when the Box is just to the right of the trio of
as you come to a
and reach the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 0 9
If you want to get
Secret Egg #2
, then you should go back left to the box
and push it left so that it's hanging about 1/3 over the water.
Now go back right and continue the walkthrough below until it starts to rain. At this point
return to the box to see that rain has knocked the Secret Egg loose above and it is now
waiting on top of the box.
Walk right past a creature and climb up the ledge on your right, then jump left to the
platform with the glowing things under it. Jump on the right edge of this platform to shake
loose some glowing food, then drop down on the right side of the creature as he comes out
of hiding.
Secret Egg
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2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Chase the creature left into the wheel to get it spinning, then push the Lever left until it
starts raining. Climb the right ledge and keep going until you drop into a small hole. Grab
the log on the right side and pull it left to about the middle of this hole.
Jump left and climb the rope against the wall to get back out. Look left between the two
legs of the water pipe and hang off the rope to connect the pipe above. Wait for the hole to
fill up with water, then quickly jump right across the floating log that you positioned
Leap to the right side of the water and continue right until you see some liquid pouring up
ahead. Climb the dangling moss instead and go right down a slippery hill. Push the Box
right at the bottom to reach the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 1 0
Look up for a gap in the ledge above and leave the Box at the left side of that gap. Climb
the ladder and pull the object right so that it fully opens the gap. Drop down and pull the
nearby Lever left to flood the room, then climb the ladder quickly and jump left to your
floating Box as it rises through the gap.
Jump to the next ladder and quickly climb up, then rush right and pull a second Box left so
that it can float in the open room. Ride the Box until the water starts to reach the top of it,
then jump up to the next ledge and slide down the next hill a little bit.
Jump to the second ledge so that you don't drown below, then run past the ladder and pull
back the cover to let the ball reach you from below. Quickly push the cover back right as
the ball rises and lands on top, then push the ball right down the hill.
the block a little, then climb the ladder and jump across to the second Lever.
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Pull the second Lever left to drop another block, then jump right across the blocks to the
other side of the water and keep right to the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 1 1
Jump the small gap and carefully pull the Box left as the brain slug swings right. Go right
and accept your fate from the brain slug, then jump over the Box to the ledge above until
the slug reaches the light. Walk back right and jump over the Box, then climb the first
ladder and jump to the second when the water isn't falling between them.
Climb down the second ladder and jump across the water as a water pipe breaks. Keep
to the high beam of light again. Go back right over the Box and up the ladders, then wait at
the top of the right ladder.
Wait for a pipe to surface as the water rises, then jump to it when the water covers the
spikes. Leap to the next ledge and let the creatures above you swallow your brain slug. Pull
the broken piece of pipe out of the water and push it as far right as it will go, then jump left
from the pipe to reach a rope.
Drop from the rope and pick up the
It's Stuck Achievement
that landed
on the pipe from above. Climb the ladder and go right to a wide gap, then
take a careful running jump across the gap and slide down the next hill.
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2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Jump the gap at the bottom and leap right to a pipe above some water. Climb up to the top
of the pipe for the next ledge and keep right to find the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 1 2
Carefully watch the timing of the letter H lighting up, because you will die if you touch the
lit areas. Time your jump so that you land on the left side as the light is switching off, then
quickly jump to the right side and the letter O which will deactivate the letter T as well.
Drop down and swing across the rope to clear the gap, then jump to the
Power Switch
shut off the rest of the sign. Swing back left and climb the pipe on the wall.
If you want to get another secret egg, you can do half of that task in this chapter now.
letter O is facing right. At this point you can continue all the way to Chapter 23, or use the
menu if you've been there before.
Now that's done, you can use jump across the HOTEL sign and watch for the turning of the
letter L.
Leap to the arrow and quickly to the next ledge before the arrow falls. Keep right as you
cross a glass dome and pull a small cart away from the wall. Get on the right side of the
cart, and push it just enough that it starts to roll down the small hill. Quickly climb to the
top of the ladder and wait for the cart to get close to the dome.
Jump off into the glass to crash right through and slide down a hill. Quickly jump across a
pair of hanging lights as you reach a rope. Ride the rope as it descends and drop safely to
the ground and the next chapter below.
C H A P T E R 1 3
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Go left first and touch the standing post, then run right a bit before you get crushed by the
debris. Now that it's safe, go right to get cerebral bored by a brain slug. Prance to the left
until the slug points you in the right direction, then shamble right like the salivating dream
zombie that you are.
Keep right past the elevators and do a running jump across a wider gap, then jump two
more gaps and step on a
that activates a deadly saw and slowly releases a Box
above. Hold left to walk slower and give the Box more time to fall in front of you, then
quickly climb on top and take a running jump over the saw. Just don't wait too long or your
Box will get split apart, followed by your body.
ready to move. You want to wait on the right edge for it to dip and begin to rise, then run
and jump over to the left edge until it dips down and begins to rise again.
Repeat this about 6-7 times to get the platform moving more and then when the right side
starts to dip, jump your way to the left edge and jump to the next platform. Pull the left
platform of the pair as far right as you can, then let it go. Quickly jump on and run to the
left edge before you leap to the next ledge and go left for the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 1 4
Go past the elevators to a Box and pull the Box left to the elevator and hit the
make the elevator rise, then ride it up with the Box. Push the Box right beside the top
Switch and leave it close to the left edge.
Hit the Switch to lower the elevator, then hit it again to make it rise.
Quickly jump on top of the elevator from the Box and wait near the left
side. Jump left to a rope before you get crushed against the ceiling, which
releases the glowing
Urban Exploration Achievement
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Jump right to the Switch and back left to the ground, then go left to pick up the
achievement. Take the elevator back up and push the Box onto the left side of the nearby
left onto the seesaw as the top of the elevator descends.
Now the seesaw is weighed down by the elevator, so you can push the Box up towards a
Push the Lever right and jump from the Box to the rope. Ride the rope up and use it to
swing to the next ledge on your right.
Box starts to fall. Quickly pull the first Box right under the second one so it drops directly
on top, then climb up both without pushing the top Box left and quickly jump over the saw
to the ledge above.
Walk right past a ladder and jump right at the water in the dark tunnel to
get the
Alone in the Dark Achievement
up on a ledge.
Now you can go exploring down here for three more Secret Eggs. Walk
right to the wall and realize that it's actually a box in your way, then pull
the box left enough that you can climb on top of it. Jump right from the
box to reach another ledge, then continue right for
Secret Egg #3
Secret Egg
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Keep right to a real wall this time and jump to climb over it, then do a bit of back and forth
at the bottom. Go right once you break through, to find
Secret Egg #4
waiting under a
beam of light.
Walk right to what appears to be another wall, but this time climb down
the ledge that you're standing on and go right under the wall. Go right to
the next wall and climb over it, then walk right across a metal surface as
Pull an object to your right and jump over it to get
Secret Egg #5
Go back left to the ladder or just save and restart from the last checkpoint, then climb to the
top and head right for the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 1 5
If you missed the Alone in the Dark achievement or any of the 3 Secret Eggs near it, then
you can climb back down the ladder and jump right through the dark tunnel as detailed at
the end of the previous chapter.
Walk at a slow pace so that you don't scare off the large fly, then wait as you reach the
carry you up to the ledge above the ladder. If you missed his leg, just go back left until he
settles down and repeat your sneaky jump.
Head right after you land up on the ledge to find the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 1 6
Go right until you hit a Pressure Switch that opens a door, then jump right and go under the
platform with that door. Climb the first ladder and pull the Box left a bit, then climb the
second ladder above and head left. Pull the first platform right so that you can jump over
Secret Egg
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
the handle, then pull it all the way left.
Pull the next platform right so that you can jump over and hit the panel to release a wheel
below. Quickly jump right and push the platform left to meet the wheel, then pull it all the
way right to meet the next platform. Push that platform right to carry the wheel down a
Climb back down both ladders and push the Box left to the door, then go left at the bottom
to meet up with the wheel. Pull it right to the
Pressure Switch
and jump right through the
open door, then quickly pull the Box left to jam the door. Push the Box left through the
door and push it right along the bottom and jump to the Lever by the large gear.
Ignore the Lever for now and take a running jump from the right edge of
this platform to climb onto the nearby tooth of the gear. Continue over the
gear and fall down the right side to get the
Climbing the Cog
Climb the ladder and go back left over the gear, then pull the Lever to start it moving. Push
your Box right onto the gear and ride the gear across, then continue pushing the Box right
past the gear and past the Pressure Switch on the other side until it touches the next wall.
Go left and climb the ladder to find a second Box and push it left onto the gear. Follow the
the ledge that rises from the Switch. Finally use the Box that you placed here earlier to
reach the ledge above.
Ignore the panel and swing on the rope to your right until you can't swing any higher. Jump
left and quickly use the panel to start the rope moving right, then run and jump to the rope
when it swings close to your side. Swing across the electrified floor section and drop down
to a small gear and the next chapter below.
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
C H A P T E R 1 7
Push the small gear right so it connects with the larger one and starts the whole area
moving, then position yourself towards the left edge near the electrified floor as the ground
flattens out. This way you won't get squashed by the wall that was in front of the gears.
Run right to the next big gear and ride the teeth up then be sure to hold
right as you enter the shadowy passage in the wall. Keep moving right
and jump as needed to find
Secret Egg #6
on your left, then ignore the panel and drop down to a Box and a
Magnet Switch
. Hit the
Magnet Switch to deactivate it and push the Box right to the wall, then run left and activate
the magnetic field.
Jump right from the Box to reach the first panel and use it, then run left and jump from the
Box to the ladder before the door closes. Go left and pull the Box under the chain, then
you, so that you miss the electrified floor.
saw. Drop down the hill and jump over a boulder to reach the next chapter.
Secret Egg
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
C H A P T E R 1 8
Push the Lever right to start the room spinning once more, then wait for the Box to drop to
your level. Push it right to the ledge and climb on top, then quickly jump to the next ledge.
right across a large gear until you get invaded by another brain slug.
Climb back left over the gear and carefully jump from the tooth of the gear to the ledge,
then run left like a moth to the flame. Once the slug decides to move you back right, you
can jump over the gear once again and jump to a conveyor belt just ahead.
At normal walking speed you're slowly moving left on the conveyor, so use that and your
run to get close to the Trap, then jump into it as it rises and quickly leap the next gap.
Approach the next Trap and carefully jump to the left side so that you hang off of it, but
don't climb up yet. Wait for the Trap to hit the ceiling, then hold up to climb as soon as you
are able to do so.
Run like hell and jump the next gap, then keep jumping over a few Boxes in your way.
Leap from the top of one of the Boxes to rip the brain slug from that big, meaty, chess club
brain of yours.
Now that you're back in control of your actions, push and pull one of the Boxes so that you
can climb on top of it and hang off the right side of the Trap to your left. Sneak through as
it starts to sink once more and jump to the ladder on your left.
Climb to the top and head right to pick up the
between the teeth of the gears and reach the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 1 9
Push the Lever left to reverse the direction of a few gears, then push it right again when the
top corner of a tooth on the right gear is level with the ground that you're standing on. This
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
should let it rise just a bit more as it pauses for a second, allowing you just enough time to
jump right on top of the tooth and back left to the next ladder before the right gear starts
spinning down again.
Climb the ladder and jump left to ride a tooth up to the next ledge, then go right to a small
cart with a ladder on it. Ignore the ladder-cart and jump to the next ledge, then pull a bigger
cart so that its right side is under the Lever above you.
Go back left to push the ladder-cart to the right side and climb the ladder, then jump off at
comes back left (third pass) and gets about halfway to you. Quickly jump to the top of the
ladder and leap to the ledge up high when the ladder takes you close enough (fourth pass).
Run to the right end of the ledge and jump to the Power Switch, pulling it as you fall onto
the cart below. This electrifies the tracks and sends you rolling right to a ladder. Climb up
and keep the card ahead of you by a bit, then run right. Jump over the saw that's destroying
your ledge and land back on the cart below.
Wait until the cart approaches another ledge and drop off the left side of the cart before you
touch the ledge. The cart hits a Button that electrifies the ledge above. Push the cart left
away from the Button until it's far enough that you can just jump to the right ledge from it.
Climb onto the cart and quickly jump to the ledge, then run like hell as it rolls towards the
Button once more.
Leap into the air before the cart touches the button and hope that you land clear of the
electrified track. Push the Lever right as the room starts to spin and the light starts
swinging, then walk right past the boulder and over a small bump. Wait here as you spot a
ladder on the wall to your right and jump across the gap to the ladder when you hear the
boulder start rolling.
Jump the next gap as the room stops spinning and a Box falls to your
right. Push the Box right to the wall of sparks and climb on top, then jump
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
left to a hidden platform in the air. Do a running jump right from this
platform to jump over the sparks and get the
Guided By Sparks Achievement
Push the Box left over the edge as it slides along an electrified floor, then climb down the
left end of your ledge to drop on the Box below. Walk right as the area gets a bit brighter
and you reach the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 2 0
Go right and jump the gap, then notice two sets of beams, one vertical and one horizontal.
These beams trigger machine guns to fire at you if you touch them, so dig deep and jump
right so that you touch the vertical beam in the air, then quickly jump back left to the
platform as both guns fire.
This gets the top gun moving so go left and wait on top of the left gun. Trigger the top gun
here and run out of the way so it shoots the bottom gun. Repeat this once more and the
bottom gun is trashed, then jump right past the other gun and keep right and walk down the
hill to a pair of Boxes and the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 2 1
Push the right Box over the Switch and up into the corner until the gravity field switches
off. Now run left and jump over the Switch as you push the other Box and climb up the
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Wait for the Box to fall back down and push underneath the ladder at the top of the hill.
At this point you can get a Secret Egg if you want. Go back down the hill and push the
bottom box to the left, then jump up the ledge and return to the top box. Push this box back
down the hill and over the other box so that they have effectively switched places. Now use
the box to the right to get the left box up the hill and under the ladder.
Make sure that the bumpy side of the box is facing up and push the box
left towards the remaining gun above. Stand on the box to trigger the gun
and run as it gets shot. Repeat this a couple of times and push the box
right to get
Secret Egg #7
from inside.
a different sinking ladder. Push this Box right into the corner like the last one, then run left
and climb up the ladder. Rush left and pull the first Box onto this ledge while it's up high.
Make sure the box doesn't bean you in the head on the way down from the ceiling or you
might get killed. Push the Box so that it's just left of the ledge above, then activate the
gravity field below just like before. This time you want to stand on the Box after climbing
up the ladder so that you rise with the Box and the gate, and can jump right through the
open gate.
Walk right and make sure that the elevator is up high, then crawl down
under it and drop to get the
Under Ground Achievement
Secret Egg
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2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
There's no way back up from down here so just exit the game and resume it to return to the
ground above. Use the panel to lower the elevator, then use the panel once more to ride the
jump on top of the elevator.
Run right as you touch the beam of the machine gun, then watch as it helps release the Box
for you. Lower the elevator and push the Box to the left edge of it, then the panel and ride
the elevator up. Climb on top of the Box and jump left to the ledge above the machinegun,
then go left until you see a panel.
Hit the panel to deactivate the gravity field and let a Box fall, then the trick is to let the Box
just above you. It will take a few tries and some juggling until you get the hang of it. This
way the Box keeps its momentum from sliding down the hill and lands at your feet.
Now you want to push this Box as far right as it can go and jump the gap to meet up with
the first Box. Drop down and lower the elevator, then push this Box all the way right to
past some more machinegun shots.
Hit the
Gravity Switch
up here to end up on the ceiling then walk left to find the other Box
that you released earlier. Push both Boxes right so that one will land on the right end of the
moving ledge below. The other Box you can move to the left of the Gravity Switch.
If you want to get another Secret Egg here, then you will need a lot of patience and a few
precise moves. So if it's too tricky right now you can always replay the chapter later for it.
Wait for the ledge to begin moving left, then hit the Gravity Switch to drop down and pull
the lower Box so that your back is right up against the moving ledge. Keep doing this until
the second Box falls and stacks on top, then hold the bottom Box as the ledge pushes you
all left.
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2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Push both boxes left slowly and notice that the slower your moves, the less the top box
switch on the flat ground. Walk to the right side of the Gravity Switch so that you're as far
away from the stack as you can be, then hit the Gravity Switch to keep them stacked as you
all hit the ceiling.
Moving the stack to the ceiling is the first hard part in this process, so congratulations on
making it this far. Now you just need to keep the Boxes stacked as you push them all the
won't get stuck as easily and the boxes shouldn't slide much. Any corrections are easiest to
make on flat ground.
Once at the wall you want the top box to be a bit more left than the right,
but not enough to fall over. This way the Boxes form steps of sorts that
you can climb up. Jump left from the top Box to reach the ledge, then
stroll left and pick up the well-earned
Secret Egg #8
Now that you've done all that to get the Secret Egg, or if you skipped it for later move both
Boxes back right to the area with the moving ledge. Push both Boxes right so that one will
land on the right end of the moving ledge below. The other Box you can move to the right
of the Gravity Switch above the bigger rock on the ground. Wait for the ledge to begin
moving left, then hit the Gravity Switch.
Quickly push the closer Box right into the moving ledge so you can climb up onto it, then
push the second Box right to reach the next ledge. Finally climb down the ladder and walk
right to reach the next chapter.
C H A P T E R 2 2
Turn the Magnet Switch on to magnetize the ceiling, then turn on the Gravity Switch until
the first block touches the ceiling. Quickly turn off the Gravity Switch before the second
block reaches the ceiling to send it back to the ground.
Secret Egg
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Now you should be able to leap to the left ledge and on top of the right block. Go right and
use the next Gravity Switch to end up on the ceiling, then listen for a cart with a rope
travelling up to you. Hit the Switch when the cart has about half a cart length between the
to the rope.
Watch the ground as you speed right and drop off to the roof by the smoke, just before you
get impaled. Slide down the roof and hit the sideways Gravity Switch in the air to reach the
next chapter.
C H A P T E R 2 3
Run up away from the saw and wait for the sign to light up, then jump off and hit the
downwards Gravity Switch. Quickly run right while the letter H sign is off and jump to the
safe section in the middle,
From here you can get another Secret Egg if you want it. Wait for the saw to start moving
down again and jump left from the letter H to land on top of the pipe. Stand on the right
edge and count to 6 or so once the saw leaves the bottom of the screen.
Do a big running jump left and hit the Gravity Switch on your way down.
As you're now flying right make sure to land above the saw. If you land
below, then you'll need to restart. Now play like normal and jump back to
the safe spot on the letter H by using the next Gravity Switch. Jump to the next ledge on
your right to see
Secret Egg #10
fall out of the pipe above.
If you skipped the Secret Egg then you want to run and jump right to a ledge when the sign
turns off.
Secret Egg
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Quickly jump back right to grab a rope, then climb down to the letter O at the bottom.
If you want a Secret Egg and have already spun the small letter O back in Chapter 12, then
you should now see a handle on the right side of the large letter O here.
Pull that handle and collect
Secret Egg #9
from inside.
Walk right to jump and activate the timed Gravity Switch, then jump back
left and drop to a passage in the ceiling.
Quickly pull the left wall to release the
Going Up Achievement
, then
pick it up and drop back down. Activate the timed Gravity Switch about
three more times as you push the Box farther right each time and wait on
the left ledge before the field deactivates. Just be sure that the Box falls down long enough,
and that it doesn't cave your head in as it rises up each time.
and walk past the saw. Wait here until you fall and start to slide down the hill. Carefully
jump and use the next Gravity Switch, then run right to the ledge and the final chapter.
Secret Egg
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
C H A P T E R 2 4
Listen to the speeding up sound of beeps for the timed gravity switching here, then leave
into the air and get pulled to the ceiling as the gun fires. Run right as you and the block fall
back down, then jump onto the block before you get shot into pieces.
Run across the block and wait on the right end of the ledge until the gravity is close to
the air, so that you land on the underside of your former ledge. Don't blink as you bolt left
to the gap so that when the block falls, you slide safely down the hill.
Make sure that you're not under the big saw down here, or it'll slice you when the gravity
shifts once more. Instead do a running jump right when the gravity is close to changing
from normal to inverted (about 9-10 beeps), so that you don't quite land on the bottom saw,
but still fly up past the top saw after the change.
Wait for a fresh timer on the ceiling and wait for about 7 beeps before walking right. Line
yourself up with the right Gravity Switch but don't hit it just yet. Wait for gravity to send
you falling back down, then hit the right Gravity Switch to dodge the final saw and go
crashing through the barrier.
Finally walk right a bit farther to finish the game!
Now have fun trying to get the
No Point in Dying Achievement
by doing the whole game
all over again in one sitting, while dying 5 times or less.
You can also try hunting for the Secret Eggs in the game, to raise your completion above
Secret Eggs look just like the glowing eggs that you pick up to get most of the
achievements in the game, but these ones give you an extra 1% above and beyond the
normal 100% in the game. You earn 100% by completing the game and getting all
There are 11 Secret Eggs hidden in the game, which makes 111% the maximum possible
Secret Eggs
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Secret Egg #1
: See Chapter 08 for details.
Secret Egg #2
See Chapter 09 for details.
Secret Egg #3
See Chapter 14 for details.
Secret Egg #4
: See Chapter 14 for details.
Secret Egg #5
See Chapter 14 for details.
Secret Egg #6
: See Chapter 17 for details.
Secret Egg #7
See Chapter 21 for details.
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Secret Egg #8
: See Chapter 21 for details.
Secret Egg #9
See Chapter 12 and 23 for details.
Secret Egg #10
: See Chapter 23 for details.
Secret Egg #11
: This one is a real doozy. Remember getting the No Point in Dying
achievement by completing the game in one sitting with five or less deaths? Well it gets
worse, you now need to do that again with ZERO deaths!
You will know best which parts of the game give you the most trouble so practice those
areas first with the chapter select.
Once you manage to reach the ending area after breaking the glass, go left to a small area
and back right. In here the egg will fall from a tree near the top of the hill for you to pick
Alone in the Dark
Beneath the arthropod.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter 14 to find this Achievement Egg.
Altitude is attitude
Exploration off the ground
LIMBO Achievements
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter XX to find this Achievement Egg.
Ride the crates.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter 2 to find this Achievement Egg.
Climbing the Cog
Don't pull the lever just because you can.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter 16 to find this Achievement Egg.
Going Up
Don't let gravity keep you down.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter 23 to find this Achievement Egg.
Guided by Sparks
The crate is key.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter 19 to find this Achievement Egg.
It's Stuck
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Prepare a dry landing.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter 11 to find this Achievement Egg.
No Point in Dying
Complete the game in one sitting with five or less deaths.
Got a tip for this Achievement / Trophy? Drop us a line with your tip and we'll post
it with your name!
Under Ground
Vertical passageway.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter XX to find this Achievement Egg.
Urban Exploration
Involves heavy lifting.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter 21 to find this Achievement Egg.
Where Credit is due
Persistence has its own reward.
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.
Check out the Walkthrough to get this Achievement.
Wrong Way
That's not right.
Check out the Walkthrough for Chapter 1 to find this Achievement Egg.
You can equip the following awards to your Xbox Live Avatar.
White Logo LIMBO T-Shirt
- Get the Wrong Way achievement.
A Creature from LIMBO
- Complete the game.
LIMBO Awards
30 | Limbo Strategy Guide
2010 IGN Entertainment, Inc.