November 2023
WELCOME ............................................................................................................................. 4
Oce of Postdoctoral Affairs Role on Campus .......................................................................... 4
Information in the UNLV Postdoctoral Scholars Hiring and Procedural Handbook ...................... 4
POSTDOCTORAL APPOINTMENTS AT UNLV ........................................................................... 6
Minimum Appointment Percentage ............................................................................................ 6
Minimum and Maximum Length of a Postdoctoral Position ...................................................... 6
Requirements for a Postdoctoral Scholar Appointment ............................................................. 6
Minimum Base Salary Policy ....................................................................................................... 6
POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR ONBOARDING PROCESS ............................................................. 7
Trainings and Orientations for New UNLV Postdocs .................................................................. 7
HR Benet Orientation Dates ................................................................................................... 7
New Faculty Orientation .......................................................................................................... 7
Evaluation Process .................................................................................................................. 7
POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR RESOURCES AND BENEFITS ....................................................... 8
RESOURCES................................................................................................................................. 8
Additional resources for postdocs include: ............................................................................ 8
BENEFITS .................................................................................................................................. 11
POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR OFFBOARDING PROCESS .......................................................... 13
Separating from the University .................................................................................................. 13
Discussing Separation and Necessary Steps to be Completed in Workday ......................... 13
Accrued Annual Leave ........................................................................................................... 13
Returning Department Property............................................................................................. 13
Settle Any Outstanding Debt Owed to the University ............................................................ 13
Completing Workday Inbox Items and Updating Workday Contact Information .................. 13
Resources .............................................................................................................................. 14
Transitioning from a Postdoc Position to an Administrative or Academic Position at UNLV .. 14
Search/Recruitment Required ............................................................................................... 14
Accrued Annual Leave ........................................................................................................... 14
Completing Workday Items ................................................................................................... 14
Benets .................................................................................................................................. 14
HIRING A POSTDOC ............................................................................................................. 15
Step 1: Collecting and Creating New Position Documents ....................................................... 15
Step 2: Letting Appropriate Channels Know of Intent to Hire a Postdoctoral Scholar ............. 15
Step 3: Creating a Position in Workday ..................................................................................... 15
Step 4: Creating the Job Requisition in Workday ...................................................................... 16
Additional Steps in the Recruiting/Hiring Process.................................................................... 16
Title IX Statement ...................................................................................................................... 17
APPENDIX A. EXAMPLE POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLAR OFFER LETTER .................................... 18
Welcome to the Oce of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
(UNLV). We would like to provide you with some context regarding the OPA as well as the
information found in this handbook.
Oce of Postdoctoral Affairs Role on Campus
The onboarding process and orientation are primarily done by the Oce of Human Resources
(HR), but the OPA can help answer questions and connect you to the right resources.
We primarily support postdoctoral scholars and their mentors/supervisors by:
Serving as the central resource oce for postdoctoral questions and issues for faculty,
supervisors, mentors, and prospective and current postdoctoral scholars
Hosting at least one major research and networking event each semester for
postdoctoral scholars and faculty
Keeping postdoctoral scholars and their mentors/supervisors apprised of relevant
events and professional development opportunities through our email group
Working with various units around campus to offer high-quality professional
development opportunities for postdoctoral scholars that will help prepare them for their
next career steps, including in industry, government, academia, and other settings
Serving as an advocate for postdoctoral scholars and as a liaison between the
postdoctoral scholar community and university administration
Building a community for all UNLV postdocs and working toward ensuring that UNLV
postdoctoral scholars feel part of the UNLV community
Information in the UNLV Postdoctoral Scholars Hiring and Procedural
This handbook primarily provides information on the hiring process and important procedures
related to postdocs, including:
Denition of postdoctoral scholars at UNLV and information on appointment length of
time, minimum degree requirements, and minimum salary requirements
Step-by-step process for hiring a postdoc (primarily when creating a new position)
Sample offer letter
Onboarding process and important trainings and orientations for new UNLV postdocs
What to put in Workday if postdocs are attending a conference or training
Evaluation process
Offboarding process
Our OPA website has additional resources and information for prospective and new postdocs,
current postdocs, and postdoc mentors/supervisors.
Please contact us with questions or feel free to just stop by to introduce yourself. Our oce is
located on the second oor of the University Gateway Building located on the east side of
Maryland Parkway. We also have an amazing space where postdoctoral scholars, along with
graduate faculty, can work.
Looking forward to meeting you. Sincerely,
Valarie Burke, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean
Graduate College
Oce of Postdoctoral Affairs
A postdoctoral appointment is a temporary specialized education and training position in
research, teaching, performance, or scholarship established for the continued education and
professional growth of the candidate. The appointment is under the direction of faculty
sponsor(s), and it can be in any discipline or academic unit on campus. Below is important
information on the appointment terms of postdoctoral scholars, according to the Board of
Regents Handbook (Title 4, Chapter 7, Sections 5-7).
Minimum Appointment Percentage
A postdoctoral appointment must be at least 50 percent FTE.
Minimum and Maximum Length of a Postdoctoral Position
The minimum length of a postdoctoral position is one year, while two or three years is typical,
and four or ve years is not customary. The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) does
not allow postdocs over ve years. Research positions that do not meet this requirement should
be established using other available employment types and recruitment strategies.
Requirements for a Postdoctoral Scholar Appointment
Completion of a doctoral degree in the appropriate or related discipline is required. A recent
postdoc is someone who has graduated within the past ve years. Departments can set the
preferred qualications on their search to be less than ve years if they choose to do so;
however, if an excellent candidate applies for a postdoc position that is more than ve years out,
the hiring authority can make a case to include that applicant in their search.
Minimum Base Salary Policy
The minimum allowable base salary through UNLV’s HR is $42,800. However, the OPA
recommends a minimum salary of $50,000 based on the National Postdoctoral Association.
The onboarding process is primarily managed by UNLV’s Oce of Human Resources.
Information on the full onboarding process can be found on the New Employee Onboarding
For a snapshot of the onboarding process, please see:
Supervisor’s Checklist for Onboarding Postdoctoral Scholars (provides guidance on
items that should be completed for postdoctoral scholars prior and after they have
started their position)
Getting Started for Postdoctoral Scholars (provide guidance on things that postdocs
should know prior to your rst day and what tasks should be completed when; e.g., your
rst few days at UNLV, your rst month, your rst few months, your rst six months, and
your rst year)
Trainings and Orientations for New UNLV Postdocs
As part of the onboarding process, there are important trainings and orientations that new UNLV
postdocs should attend.
HR Benet Orientation Dates
All new postdocs or postdocs who are newly benets-eligible should attend a benets
orientation session as soon as possible after their contract begins. New benets-eligible
employees will be automatically scheduled to attend the New Employee Orientation during their
rst week of employment. If one does not receive a scheduling conrmation during their rst
week, please contact University Human Resources at 702-895-3504 or hrbenets@unlv.edu to
New Faculty Orientation
New Faculty Orientation is part of the university’s welcoming and onboarding of new faculty.
The event is held every August. As a result, one can attend if they are a brand-new postdoc or
have been on campus for several months. It is designed to introduce postdocs and other new
faculty to important information and campus resources to assist in their career at UNLV. In
addition, the orientation enables one to meet other new faculty, senior faculty, and campus
administrators. For additional information, please see the New Faculty Orientation webpage.
Evaluation Process
Once a postdoctoral scholar is hired at UNLV, the postdoc and their supervisor will complete the
Goal Setting Form within two weeks of the start date. This Postdoctoral Goal Setting Form will
be used to assess the areas identied during the Annual Postdoctoral Evaluation. The Annual
Postdoctoral Evaluation Form needs to be completed and submitted by April 1.
Postdoctoral scholarship conference/training attendance and Workday: The OPA
strongly encourages postdoctoral scholars to attend conferences and trainings as part
of their professional development. If a postdoc is attending a professional activity
related to their position, the type of leave they should select in Workday is: Admin Leave
w/pay. HR is in the process of creating two additional leave types for postdocs: Business
Travel and Training. When these become available, we recommend that the postdoc
uses these options.
Email group: The OPA adds all postdocs to the postdoctoral email group in order to build
a sense of community and to easily disseminate announcements about social activities,
events, news, and other pertinent information.
Article Processing Charges: UNLV Open Article Fund: The UNLV University Libraries
offers funding to assist UNLV researchers seeking to publish in open access journals.
University Faculty Travel Committee Travel Fund: The University Faculty Travel
Committee (UFTC) travel fund provides funding toward academic faculty members’
travel to attend conferences, conduct research at external sites, etc. Postdocs are
eligible to receive funding. The maximum award is $1,000 per academic year.
College/departmental-level travel/research/publication funds: Please also check with
your college/department to see if they have funds available to postdocs for travel,
research, publication, and/or scholarly activities.
Workshops and training are hosted by members of the UNLV community and cover a
broad range of areas from academic and professional topics to personal skills. Please
see the Postdoctoral Scholar Calendar for a list of events and workshops each semester.
Additional resources for postdocs include:
Career Services
Oce of Online Education
UNLV Library
Linked Learning
UNLV Faculty Center
Writing Center
P.A.A.V.E. (Peers Advocating Anti-Violence Education): CARE Presentations
Oce of Sponsored Programs
Oce of Research Integrity
Oce of Information Technology (OIT) Canvas Training Workshops
OIT Trainings/Workshops
Student Diversity & Social Justice Diversity Training
Graduate Faculty Status postdoctoral scholars at UNLV are encouraged to apply for
Graduate Faculty Status (GFS). GFS allows individuals to be eligible to teach graduate
courses, mentor/advise students, and serve on Graduate Advisory Committees (GACs).
Please note that these privileges are not automatic and must be granted by the Graduate
College upon application; postdoctoral scholars’ eligibility is dependent on their
qualications and approval by their department/school, college dean, and Graduate
College dean.
GFS privileges will be organized as follows:
o GAC Member All Levels – And all privileges below
o GAC Chair Master’s Only – And all privileges below
o GAC Member Master’s Only – And all privileges below
o Graduate Instructor 1 – Teaching all levels and may be an extra GAC member
o Graduate Instructor 2 – Teaching masters students only and may be an extra
GAC member
o Extra GAC Member Only
Please note that GFS expires every ve years and that postdoctoral scholars are not
eligible to be Graduate College Representatives.
iThenticate: An internet-based service that allows you to scan your research, grant
proposals, article drafts, and professional papers for missed citations and other
mistakes that could be characterized as plagiarism, thereby protecting the integrity of
your scholarship and your professional reputation. Postdoctoral scholars are provided
complimentary accounts by the UNLV Graduate College. To gain access and create an
account, please email Grad.Systems@unlv.edu
Student Union: The Student Union offers various conveniences and amenities including a
food court and meeting rooms.
UNLV Libraries
University Gateway Building: The OPA is located on the second oor of the University
Gateway Building.
Postdoctoral Scholar and Graduate Faculty Commons: The Postdoctoral Scholar and
Graduate Faculty Commons is located on the second oor of the University Gateway
Building. It is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., with drop-in workstations for postdocs
and faculty to use. These are great spots if you need a change of venue for some
inspiration, a place to hide out and nish a project, and/or work space to use before or
after other meetings you may have in the Gateway Building.
Oce of International Students and Scholars (OISS): International postdocs should
contact this oce, which assists with employment applications and eligibility
verication, visa and travel issues, and immigration advising and documents. The OPA
and OISS are available to help international postdocs acclimate to life in Las Vegas and
to being a postdoc in the U.S. International postdocs should contact OISS, which assists
with employment applications and eligibility verication, visa and travel issues, and
immigration advising and documents. The NPA has excellent resources for international
postdocs as well, including the International Postdoc Survival Guide, a quick guide to
visas, a white paper on visa reforms, important U.S. government links, a list of
international grants and fellows, training plans (I-983 Forms), a quick guide to income
taxes, among other helpful resources.
Nonresident Alien Tax Support: UNLV has a Nonresident Alien Tax Specialist who can
assist international scholars with taxes. Email nrat@unlv.edu.
RebelCard: The RebelCard is the ocial UNLV ID. It can be used at the library, health and
recreation wellness center [Faculty and Staff Treatment (FAST) Center and gym], and
many other facilities on campus. Money can also be deposited on the card (called
RebelCash), which can be used at participating locations on and off campus. If you use
RebelCash at on-campus dining locations, you do not have to pay sales tax on your
This handy interactive UNLV map and parking website is an excellent tool to help you
nd your way around campus.
Parking and Transportation Services: If you plan to drive on campus, you will need a
parking permit. These can be purchased by the semester, the academic year, or the
calendar year. If you park on campus without the appropriate permit, you will get a ticket.
Parking is enforced 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday during the
calendar school year. During the summer months parking enforcement hours are from 7
a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 7 a.m.-1 p.m. on Friday. Parking is not enforced on the
FAST Center provides fast and convenient access to medical care for UNLV employees
and their dependents (ve years of age and older).
UNLV Pharmacy serves UNLV students, faculty, staff, postdocs, and faculty/staff
dependents and strives to offer low, competitive prices on many prescriptions and over-
the-counter medicine.
Dental Clinic: The UNLV School of Dental Medicine operates several clinical programs,
including on the Shadow Lane Campus and the Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
UNLV Nutrition Center provides evidence-based nutrition education, including classes
and workshops.
Recreation and Wellness Center offers a variety of opportunities and experiences to
promote a healthy lifestyle, including: an indoor jogging track; a six-lane, 25-yard lap
pool; cardio equipment; strength equipment; functional trainers; free weights; personal
training and group exercise; intramural sports; swim lessons; and open recreation
opportunities. Postdoctoral scholars need to pay a monthly fee to become a member.
The PRACTICE is a mental and behavioral health resource to the entire campus
community, including postdocs. They have special rates for NSHE students, employees,
and their dependents.
UNLV Food Pantry: The year-round UNLV Food Pantry provides non-perishable items to
any students, classied staff, professional staff, and faculty who need additional food
items. It is located on the UNLV Paradise Campus (851 E. Tropicana Avenue) in Building
600, near the Bock Street and Radkovich Avenue intersection.
National Postdoctoral Association (NPA): UNLV holds an institutional membership to the
national organization. NPA offers a plethora of information and services including:
career assistance and hosting events, workshops, and training.
National Research Mentoring Network
NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs)
Student Loan Consolidations (U.S. News & World Report, Louis DeNicola, 2019)
Increasing the Visibility and Impact of Your Research (UNLV Libraries)
Funding Schemes for Postdoctoral Fellowships (curated/edited by Dieter Lukas and
eLife Ambassadors Juan Quintana and Aziz Khan)
Federal Funding Sources for Postdocs (curated by Harvard University’s FAS Research
Administration Services)
Job Search
o BioSpace
o Chronicle Vitae (Chronicle for Higher Education)
o Handshake
o Indeed
o Inside Higher Ed Careers
o National Postdoc Association Career Center
o Nature Jobs
o Pathways to Science
o Science Jobs
o USAJobs
o LinkedIn
Searching for Jobs on LinkedIn
9 expert-backed ways to use LinkedIn to nd a job
Below we provide a snapshot of postdoctoral scholar benets at UNLV. For additional
information, please visit the UNLV Human Resources Benets webpage or check out the
specic links below.
Health Insurance Plans: UNLV’s group health plan offers a comprehensive medical
package that includes your choice of health insurance plan, dental, vision, prescription, a
$25,000 term life insurance plan, and long-term disability insurance.
Family and Dependent Coverage: When you enroll in a university health plan, you can
also elect coverage for your family or dependents.
Retirement Plans: All university employees, including postdoctoral scholars, are required
to participate in a mandatory retirement plan in lieu of Social Security. Postdocs are
enrolled in a mandatory dened contribution 403(b) retirement plan beginning on their
date of hire. Under the terms of this retirement plan, employees must contribute 6.2% of
their gross salary to the plan and the employer also makes a matching 6.2%
Annual Time Off: Postdoctoral scholars receive 1.25 days of annual leave each month.
Only 15 days of leave may be carried over each month. Time-off requests (annual, sick,
etc.) are submitted through Workday.
Holidays: University employees receive 11 paid holidays. Holiday leave is paid time off.
Sick Leave: Postdoctoral scholars receive 15 days of sick leave the rst day of
employment. After one year, they accrue 1.25 days of sick leave each month. Sick leave
is paid time off.
Parental Leave Policy: There is not a specic university parental leave policy for
postdoctoral scholars. As a compensated employee, postdocs would be eligible for
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave if they meet the criteria of working for the
institution for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours in the past 12
months. Additional information can be found on the FMLA webpage. Postdocs could
also apply for an ADA accommodation if 1) they do not qualify for FMLA and 2) the
request is for their own medical condition. Spouses would not qualify for an ADA
accommodation. Additional information can be found on the ADA webpage.
Grant-In-Aid: Grants-in-aid for tuition and fees will not be provided by the NSHE
institution. Postdoctoral scholars with appointments of half time or more, along with the
spouse and dependent children, will not be charged out of state tuition.
Jury Duty: Nevada statute NRS 6.190 prohibits employers from terminating or
threatening to terminate employees for jury duty. Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 23 of the
BOR Handbook states that “Judicial leave also will be granted to serve on a jury or when
summoned to be a witness.” UNLV also has a policy of paid leave for employees who are
serving on a jury or as a court witness. Thus, postdoctoral scholars cannot be
terminated or threatened to be terminated if they have jury duty. Postdocs should let
their supervisor know as soon as possible of upcoming jury duty services. For additional
information, please see the Board of Regents Handbook; Jury Duty, Civil Leave, and
Military Leave webpage; and Nevada Administrative Code, Rules for Personnel
Administration, Classied Employees.
Civil Leave (Voting): UNLV grants all employees paid time off to vote. The amount of
time you receive to vote depends on the distance between the polling place and the
university. With prior supervisory approval, NRS 293.463 permits employees to use “civil
leave” to the extent reasonably necessary to vote when it is not “practical” for employees
to vote on their own time. Postdoctoral scholars fall under this policy. If you anticipate
the need to use any work time to vote, you need to talk with your supervisor in advance.
Supervisors are encouraged to work with employees to provide reasonable opportunity
to vote (and may not unreasonably withhold approval for civil leave). For additional
information, please see Board of Regents Handbook; Jury Duty, Civil Leave, and Military
Leave webpage; and Nevada Administrative Code, Rules for Personnel Administration,
Classied Employees.
The offboarding process for postdoctoral scholars is similar to other university employees. The
information below is primarily for postdocs who are separating from the university.
Separating from the University
Discussing Separation and Necessary Steps to be Completed in Workday
Similar to all employees who separate from the university, postdoctoral scholars should give at
least 30 days notice in advance. There are several steps that should be followed, per UNLV HR:
Postdocs should talk to their supervisor about their separation and select an effective
date for their separation
Postdocs need to complete a resignation letter and indicate that they will be resigning.
They will need to follow the steps below in Workday:
o Click on the blue cloud in the upper right corner
o ‘View prole
o ‘Job Change
o ‘Resign’ and complete prompts
o Upload resignation letter
Postdocs will need to schedule an offboarding meeting by emailing
offboarding@unlv.edu to discuss the following:
o Continuation of benets
o Retirement accounts
o Continuation of voluntary insurance policies, unemployment, etc.
It is also recommended that postdocs complete the exit surveys sent out by both HR as
well as the OPA.
Accrued Annual Leave
Please note that postdocs forfeit any annual leave accrued.
Returning Department Property
Postdocs should return department property, including oce keys, access cards, and
department credit cards.
Settle Any Outstanding Debt Owed to the University
Postdocs need to settle any outstanding debt, including, but not limited to, library nes and
parking citations.
Completing Workday Inbox Items and Updating Workday Contact Information
Postdocs will need to complete any outstanding inbox items. In addition, we strongly
recommend that they update their contact information, including their email address. Their
UNLV email will end on their last day of employment.
Click on ‘View Prole’ in upper right corner in Workday
Click on ‘Actions’ and ‘Personal Data
Select ‘Edit Personal Information
Select ‘Change Contact Information,’ make changes, and ‘Submit’
Employee Offboarding webpage
I’m a Supervisor and my Employee is Separating or Retiring Checklist
Transitioning from a Postdoc Position to an Administrative or Academic
Position at UNLV
Please see the Employee Offboarding webpage for additional information.
Search/Recruitment Required
Since the positions and position numbers are being converted from one employee type
(postdoc) to another (admin or academic faculty), it will therefore require a search/recruitment.
If the postdoc is selected for the position (based on the search/recruitment process), they must
resign from the postdoc position.
Accrued Annual Leave
Please note that postdocs forfeit any annual leave accrued once they transfer out of that
position. However, they will still receive leave in their new position; academic and administrative
professionals accrue two days of annual leave per month.
Completing Workday Items
The hiring manager will need to complete the job change business process when it is received
in their Workday, and the former postdoc may receive some onboarding tasks to complete
related to benets.
Benets differ for postdoctoral scholar positions and academic/administrative positions. As a
result, the former postdoc should meet with a benets counselor to go over the changes due to
the job change. They do not need to attend a new hire orientation.
Below you will nd the step-by-step process for hiring a postdoc. We focus primarily on the
steps for when you are creating a new position. Whether you are hiring for a position that
already exists or creating a new position, please follow the steps outlined on HR’s Recruitment
page to ensure a successful search. If you intend to request a search waiver for your postdoc
position, please review the Search Waiver Process in Workday guidelines.
Step 1: Collecting and Creating New Position Documents
Documents that the hiring department needs to submit include:
PDQ (created by hiring manager)
New Position Request Form (budget form - business manager of area/unit can prepare)
Updated FY budget (business manager of area/unit can prepare)
Current Organization Chart (unit/area hiring postdoc with the postdoc position included)
Search Waiver Letter of Support if you know who you are hiring (letter is from the dean
or director)
Step 2: Letting Appropriate Channels Know of Intent to Hire a
Postdoctoral Scholar
Email all of the documents listed above to the provost’s oce; Financial Planning, Budget &
Analysis; Research and Economic Development; and your HR recruitment representative.
Let them know your intention to request a postdoc position and request a search waiver
(if the latter is applicable, this will allow for quicker review as the involved parties were
made aware of the request before seeing it in their Workday inboxes).
Step 3: Creating a Position in Workday
In Workday, start typing into the search bar: create position. You will then follow standard
procedures for the hiring of team members
Workday Task: Create Position
Use job prole - J001510 - Postdoctoral Scholar
Worker sub-type: Temporary-xed term
Note: Make sure all documents from above (Step 1) are scanned and uploaded
Once you submit the create position task, it needs to be approved by a number of people on
campus. We recommend that you monitor Workday to see who is up next and, if necessary,
send an email to them as a reminder that they need to approve the position in Workday.
Step 4: Creating the Job Requisition in Workday
After the create position task is fully approved, the next step in Workday is to create the job
requisition. In Workday, start typing into the search bar: create job requisition. Use the
information below:
Workday Task: Create Job Requisition with a Search Waiver
Reason type: Exception > Postdoctoral Scholar
Recruiting Instruction > Search Waiver
Note: Make sure all documents from Step 1 are uploaded
Once the job requisition goes to HR, they will work with the department to have the candidate
apply, and generate the employment agreement. HR’s Search Waiver Process in Workday guide
provides additional information about the search waiver process and necessary next steps.
Workday Task: Create Job Requisition with Recruitment (e.g., there is not a search waiver)
See: Existing Positions - Create Job Requisition business process
Additional Steps in the Recruiting/Hiring Process
Here are the next hiring steps that will follow if you are not requesting a search waiver. It is
important to note that each of these steps have multiple approval processes involved. We
recommend that you monitor Workday to see who is up next and, if necessary, send an email to
them as a reminder that they need to approve the position in Workday.
1. The position will be posted for your candidate(s) to apply. The HR Recruitment
Representative (or Primary Recruiter) will provide instructions on the candidate
application process. Please visit HR for more information about Job Posting.
2. The primary recruiter will edit the requisition according to the information provided in the
vacancy announcement and then post the job. The Job Posting website has additional
information regarding paid advertisements and additional resources.
3. The next step in the search process is establishing your search committee. You will need
to follow the steps outlined on the Workday Search Committee Access Request page to
give your search committee access to applicant materials in Workday.
4. Work with HR on the Request for Campus Interview Approval. Please note, approval is
required from the UNLV Oce of Equal Employment & Title IX or Human Resources prior
to the nal round of interviews.
5. Once a candidate has been selected, you can move on to the Job Offer/Hire
Process/Onboarding step. There are ve tasks to complete under this step to move an
individual from candidate to employee. Please review each task outlined on HRs
website. Positions under the provost require an additional step when requesting to make
an offer. This step can be found on the Job Offer/Hire Process/Onboarding page. Please
make sure you complete this task before moving the candidate to the Offer Stage.
6. After the conclusion of the recruitment follow the steps to Finalize the Recruitment and
complete the steps to close the search.
Title IX Statement
UNLV does not discriminate in its employment practices or in its educational programs or
activities, including admissions, on the basis of sex/gender pursuant to Title IX, or on the basis
of any other legally protected category as is set forth in NSHE Handbook Title 4, Chapter 8,
Section 13. Reports of discriminatory misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and/or concerns
about noncompliance with Title IX or any other anti-discrimination laws or policies should be
directed to UNLV’s Title IX Coordinator Michelle Sposito. The Title IX Coordinator can be
reached through the online reporting form, by email at titleixcoordinator@unlv.edu, by phone at
702-895-4055, by mail at 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 451062, Las Vegas, NV, 89154-1062, or
in person at Frank and Estella Beam Hall (BEH), Room 555.
Please note that all sections in yellow need to be completed by the hiring manager.
Document Date: DD/MM/YYYY
Candidate Name
Dear [Candidate Name],
I am pleased to extend the offer of employment for the position of [position title].
We believe your knowledge, skills, and experience will be an asset to our unit and the university. We hope you will enjoy
your new role and we are confident that you will make significant contributions to the overall success of the university as
the institution pursues its mission in achieving Top Tier status.
Please take time to review our offer as it includes important details about your compensation, benefits, and the terms and
conditions of employment.
Position Information
Title: [ ]
Compensation Grade: Postdoctoral Scholar
[Last Name, First Name]
initial date
Sub-Type: Temporary (Fixed)
Annualized Base Salary: $XXXX
Time Type: Full time
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): 100%
Anticipated Start Date (may be subject to change):
Supervisor: [ ]
Campus Location: UNLV1-Maryland Campus
Administrative Pay: “A” contract (12 month)
12 month contracts are used for year round programs and obligate the faculty members for duties throughout the year,
except for legal holidays.
Fixed Initial Expense (FIE): You will receive an additional one-time initial
employment allowance payment of $_____. You will not be eligible for
reimbursement for moving, relocation or other expenses in connection with
beginning your employment pursuant to this agreement. Should you leave
employment voluntarily within the first twelve months, this initial employment
allowance shall be repaid in full.
[Last Name, First Name]
initial date
Your base salary will not be affected by any July 1, 2019 across-the-board increase which might be granted to the faculty
by the Nevada State Legislature who were employed at UNLV during the 2018-2020.
Benefits: As an employee of a Nevada State agency, you will pay neither state income tax nor Social Security. Most
NSHE jobs are subject to a mandatory retirement contribution. Please refer to onboarding links for full benefits
information including mandatory retirement contributions, leave, and other benefits. Health elections must be made within
15 days of eligibility date.
Your benefits will be effective on the first day of the month concurrently with or following the effective date of your
contract. If your contract begins after the first day of the month, your benefits will not be effective until the first day of the
following month. You will need to attend benefits orientation as early as possible, but no later than your first week on
campus to ensure that you are able to complete your benefit elections in a timely manner. If you plan on covering
dependents, please bring the appropriate supporting documents (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.).
Other Information
Applicants who have earned their degrees outside of the United States must have their transcripts evaluated by an
approved evaluator. Evaluations of non-U.S. degrees may be obtained from any member of the National Association of
Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) at http://www.naces.org/members.html . Expense of the evaluations shall
be borne by the applicant and the evaluation must be forwarded directly to the UNLV appointing authority. Questions may
be directed to UNLV Human Resources (702) 895- 3504. Credential Verification Policy:
https://www.unlv.edu/sites/default/files/24/HR- CredentialsVerification.pdf
[Last Name, First Name]
initial date
Leave Direction: Employee is hereby directed to use all days of accrued annual leave prior to separation date. Leave
requests must be submitted to supervisor/chair prior to separation date to bring leave balances in compliance with this
directive. No payment for accumulated annual leave will be made upon termination.
Background Check: Your employment pursuant to the terms of this contract is contingent upon successful completion of
a background check and verification of information submitted in furtherance of your application. Employee’s failure to
pass any background check to the satisfaction of the institution, in its sole reasonable discretion, invalidates and voids this
Employment Contract and results in immediate termination for cause.
Work Authorization: This employment contract is contingent upon the employee maintaining appropriate work
authorization/visa status to work in the United States. If the employee fails or is unable to maintain the appropriate work
authorization, this contract shall terminate immediately, notwithstanding any provisions of the NSHE Code.
Acknowledgement Date: This employment contract is valid for [ENTER NUMBER OF DAYS] business days from the
delivery date of this document. Failure to acknowledge by this date may result in withdrawal of the offer.
After we receive your signed offer, we will initiate the hiring process in Workday, the university’s human resources and
finance system. Please check your email for login credentials and messaging on starting the onboarding process, as most
of the onboarding process will be completed online in Workday, including the I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification
form). Please complete the I-9 no later than the commencement date of your employment.
The I-9 form you submit in Workday is unofficial until you present the original documents indicated on your I-9 for our
review. Under federal law, failure to complete an I-9 form and present original documentation within three days of your
start date could result in termination of this employment offer.
[Last Name, First Name]
initial date
Conditions of Employment
DEFINITION: A postdoctoral fellow appointment is a temporary advanced scholarly appointment. It is a specialized
education and training research position under the direction of a faculty sponsor in an operational laboratory, established
for the postdoctoral fellows’ continuing education and professional growth. The postdoctoral fellow appointment serves to
advance the competence of a person who has recently completed higher professional training marked by a doctoral degree.
The postdoctoral fellow is not precluded from applying for postdoctoral training grants or nationally competitive
postdoctoral fellowships. Those persons excluded from the postdoctoral status are registered full-time students, candidates
for a degree, visiting scholars who are not at the institution for receiving further training, or anyone who does not meet the
above definition.
Title 4, Chapter 7 of the Board of Regents Handbook pertains to Postdoctoral Fellows and by this reference is not made
part of the contract. Notwithstanding any provision of the Nevada System of Higher Education Code to the contrary,
including but not limited to Section 5.9 (Section 5.8, DRI), this contract may be terminated at will, upon giving the
employee 30 days written notice of termination; except that in cases where funding is not renewed or available, notice of
termination of this contract may be given at any time. Employees have no appeal rights. The Nevada System of Higher
Education reserves the right to correct clerical errors that may occur in this document and deduct any overpayments from
future paychecks.
In consideration of a portion of revenues that accrue from Intellectual Property, as defined in the Intellectual Property,
Research, and Entrepreneurial Activity Policy (the “Policy”), Title 4, Chapter 12 of the NSHE Handbook, in accordance
with the Policy, I agree to assign and do hereby assign any Intellectual Property to NSHE for which NSHE has an
ownership interest pursuant to the Policy.
Any other terms, understandings, promises, prior negotiations or representations, or conditions not specified in this
document or attached to and made a part of this contract by reference in this document shall not be considered a part of
this contract. This contract is not binding or of any legal effect until duly executed by both the employee and the
appointing authority. I accept all conditions listed above.
[Last Name, First Name]
initial date
Since this is a Postdoctoral Fellow appointment, assuming there is continued financial support for the position, you will be
evaluated and considered for reappointment annually by the department and college. According to the Nevada System of
Higher Education Board of Regents Handbook, Title 4, Chapter 7, the duration of Postdoctoral Fellow appointment will,
in most cases, be one year or two, and may not exceed five years. Therefore, your employment is limited to a maximum of
five years in a post doctorate status.
______________________ ______________________
Dean/Director Date
______________________ ______________________
Executive Vice President & Provost/Vice President Date
I accept the terms of the offer of employment as described in this employment agreement.
______________________ ______________________
Employee Signature Date
Position Number: ____________
Requisition Number: ____________
[Last Name, First Name]
initial date